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Digital Marketing Blog

Marketing Checklist for Residential & Commercial Architects
The architectural and design industry has many specialties and areas of focus. Architects might specialize in residential architecture,...

Marketing Checklist for Independent Financial Advisors
Being a financial advisor can be a rewarding career. But like any career, it has its challenges. The financial advisory industry is...

Marketing Checklist for Accounting, Bookkeeping and Tax Professionals and Companies
Accounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation firms come in all shapes and sizes. While there are the big, international CPA firms, this is...

Marketing Checklist for Contractors and Contracting Firms
We have developed a marketing checklist expressly for Contractors and Contracting firms. This checklist assumes that your contracting...

Marketing Checklist for Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers
Selling insurance can be a challenging business. Whether you’re in the personal, commercial or specialty lines of business, or a...

Marketing Checklist for IT Services Companies
Great marketing is always a moving target. Since that’s the challenge, we have developed a concise marketing checklist designed expressly...

Getting into the C-Suite With Your Marketing
If you own a business-to-business services company, getting in front of the decision maker can be a tough proposition. IT services,...

5 Marketing Analytics Numbers That Matter
John Wanamaker famously said “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Wanamaker, who...

Business Marketing Checklist: 5 Ways to Attract Customers
This is Part Two of our Business Marketing Checklist. Read Part One. Okay, you've opened your business and are filled with the excitement...

Work Smart, Not Hard: 9 Signs That It Might Be Time for CRM
We’ve all heard of the saying “work smart, not hard”. But when it comes to managing your entire organization, how does your company work?...

New Business Marketing Checklist: 6 Things To Do Before You Open
You’ve finally gone out on your own and opened your new business. The privilege of being your own boss brings with it independence and...
Sales Professionals: Work Less, Sell More (Use Email Autoresponders)
Salespeople work too hard. Following our article on the evolving nature of email newsletters, we wanted to highlight an area of email...

Holiday Marketing Campaigns: Offer a Curated List of Themed-Gifts
For some organizations in some industries it may be a challenge to come up with a holiday-themed campaign. This is unfortunate since the...

Win the Content Struggle by Using Curation
If there is anything we know, it’s that people love using their gadgets. Whether it’s endless scrolling through Facebook and Twitter...

Marketing Analytics: Your Customers Are Talking. Can You Hear Them?
By Erik Bunaes A recent survey determined that marketers overwhelmingly believe that using marketing analytics made their businesses more...

Raisins, Millennials, and Content Marketing: Part II
Part II of this article starts off much the same way part one did: with raisins. Dried fruits are a simple concept, but from a marketing...

Raisins, Millennials and Content Marketing
- Part I - Last week I was enjoying on one of my all-time favorite snacks: Sun Maid Raisins. Stifle your laughs; it’s a healthy snack,...

Using Surveys to Distinguish Market Leaders from Followers
Ever since I was a child I remember my father telling me, “You should always try to be a leader, not a follower.” Like much of the...

Creating Good Content and Using It
Last month, we tackled a growing problem for b-to-b on social media. The simplified problem is there is so much content on social media...

Breaking Through the Content Wall in B-to-B Marketing
When checking your Facebook analytics over the past year you may have noticed something: your organic reach has drastically decreased....
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