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Top 4 Reasons for Not Using Video Marketing

top reasons for not using video marketing, Endorphin Advisors

As research shows, the use of video in marketing can have dramatic impact on success and growth. This makes sense since website visitors and social media users regularly choose to watch video instead of reading a page of text.

Our single favorite research finding about the use of video: Companies using video grow 49% faster year-over-year than those that don’t. (according to market research firm Aberdeen Market Intelligence).

Further, since we know that people still tend to do business with people they know, like and trust, the use of video can help connect with viewers in a context-rich medium. The medium of video lets viewers hear your voice and see your face giving viewers more points of reference when deciding whether they like and trust the person in the video.

Regardless of the incontrovertible benefits of using video as part of a marketing strategy, we still see some reluctance to using video. Here are the top reasons we hear for not using video:

1. I don’t want to be in a video: When we talk with clients about improving their marketing, and mention video marketing, we often get the immediate comment, “I don’t want to be in a video.” I suppose this is analogous to the well-known fear of public speaking. However, we all have a job to do. If this is the best way to help your organization meet its goals, and for you to keep your job, perhaps it’s time to get over it.

2. I don’t have time to make videos: Since “90% of customers find video helpful in decision-making process,” (according to marketing technology company HubSpot) wouldn’t you rather have customers learn about you, your company and your products/services by watching a video than by you explaining everything over and over to each and every one of your potential customers? Save time, use video.

3. Videos are expensive to make: There are two ways to approach this. One, how expensive are your people? If your people can spend less time explaining your company and products/services to customers, they can spend their time making more sales. You win. Another way to look at this is by considering the lifetime value of a customer. In many cases, once you get a customer, they will buy again and again from you for many years to come. The Lifetime Value of a customer is typically many times larger than the cost of any one product or service you offer. Finally, there are several different types of video, not all of which are that expensive (some are free!).

4. What should we say in a video?: Once you have made the decision to make one or more videos, what are you going to say in it?

Videos can be used for virtually every part of your communications, marketing and sales strategy, to help customers (or members) better understand your organization, wo you are and get to know your products and services.

Videos are great for:

  1. Introducing your company and key services

  2. Explain the “Why” of why you do business and your motivation that drives you

  3. Customer case studies and testimonials

  4. Sharing stories about your organization, the people in it and daily life at the office

  5. Customer educational sessions, training, on-boarding, etc.

  6. Product demos/tours

  7. Say “Thank You” to your customers, members, partners or donors

A Few Final Research Findings

Here are three more specific research findings that you will find interesting regarding the impact of video in marketing:

  1. After watching a video, 64% of consumers are more likely to buy online. (Social Media Today)

  2. Video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click-through rates. (HubSpot)

  3. Including a video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%. (Unbounce)

We hope you have the motivation now to make video an integral part of your marketing. Video can be a tremendous tool and can be quick and easy to make a variety of helpful tools for any organization.

More on Video Marketing from Endorphin Advisors:


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